Monday, June 27, 2011

Pomme Oeil, Plum Eye

Dad Weller was telling me, Stevie, about an email he received from a Canadian family we keep in touch with. They live in a small town and have little to zero electronics in their house. Well, they have some recent strife over an iPod Touch won in a French Language contest by only one of their twin 11 year old boys. The parents are not going to buy an iPod for their other son, and neither one of them have had anything like this before. I said 'The apple has been plucked from the tree' POMME WATCH!

My dad said if they aren't able to work things out, if they cain't share and the iPod is really causing problems, their dad will probably just throw it in the river.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Rich, about jars of crushed red pepper: 'I eat pepper on everything, I just crush those jars, they're gone so fast. '

Sunday, June 12, 2011

'I can use it to explain at least 5 different principles of sound.' 'Let's hear it!' PUNNN LISTEN!

Friday, June 3, 2011

'bike saviours has no bearing on me' - Alexander Vittal